DignityDenver is a chapter of DignityUSA. DignityUSA works for respect and justice for all gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons in the Catholic Church and the world through education, advocacy and support.
Our organization is well known in gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (glbt) and Catholic Church communities and provides chapters with an immediate identity in their locale. In addition, local chapters receive support for thier efforts through contact with the DignityUSA national office and nearby chapters and through attendance at various Dignity meetings. Being a part of a larger family is important for the leaders of smaller, more isolated groups who find refreshment and energy from meeting their sisters and brothers in Dignity.
All members of each chapter profit by receiving our excellent DignityUSA Journal and having connection with other like-minded people throughout the country. Being members of DignityUSA helps members feel part of a larger endeavor that can have a greater impact on the Church and on peoples' lives more than any other local group can have by itself.
Contact the DignityUSA office at www.dignityusa.org.